Buy your copy of Redefining Success for a Happier, More Authentic & Fulfilling Life TODAY! It’s chock-full of lessons to help us manage our COVID-19-related stress and anxiety and support us in feeling more serene and empowered.

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About the book

How do we achieve success? What does success even mean? If you find yourself grappling with these questions, anxious about your life choices, besieged by chronic stress, or plagued by the feeling that you aren’t quite living the life you want to lead, Redefining Success for a Happier, More Authentic & Fulfilling Life will show you how to architect the life you deserve.

Life coach Alison Campbell spent fifteen years in marketing before pivoting away from the corporate world to earn her master’s degree in spiritual psychology. She rebuilt her definition of success to align with her deepest core values. Since then, she has worked with countless clients to help them do the same.

Redefining Success for a Happier, More Authentic &Fulfilling Life is the result of Ali’s journey. Using specific lessons, exercises, techniques, and examples, she will show you how to define and achieve your goals for greater fulfillment. Specifically, this book will help you to:

•   Take responsibility and ownership of your life

•   Let go of emotional blocks

•   Identify and release patterns and behaviors that no longer serve you

•   Respond to difficult, stressful situations

•   Ask for what you need and be a better self-advocate

•   Obtain more joy from daily life 

When we broaden our criteria for success and fulfillment, we expand the scope of what we consider our identity.”
— Alison Wolk Campbell


This book is for everyone from corporate executives to stay-at-home moms. It is for anyone who thinks life could be better, more fulfilling, and more balanced. Whether you’re looking to improve your professional or your personal life, Redefining Success for a Happier, More Authentic & Fulfilling Life will give you clarity and insight. With warmth and wisdom, Ali has created a remarkable, no-nonsense book that gives you the tools—and the courage—to live your absolute best life.

Reader Comments

“As we journey into this 21st century, it is clear we must leave most of the 20th century lifestyle choices behind as they have proved unsustainable and unsuccessful at what is of true value in this precious life. The only hope for a more harmonious earth is to make self love a daily practice and kindness and compassion our compass. This is a great read to begin that journey and recalibrate our thinking!”

— Fran Drescher Actor, Producer, NY Times Best Selling Author, and Founder of the Cancer Schmancer Movement

"Redefining Success, by Alison Wolk Campbell, is a must read for every professional and parent.  It is insightful, raw, real and compelling -- an essential handbook for understanding how to find a better way to navigate our lives and address not only the daily and weekly challenges we encounter, but also the constant and unpredictable momentary ones." 

— Jeffrey Rosin, Father of four and Managing Partner of the Boston office of the law firm, O'Hagan Meyer, PLLC

Redefining Success is a beautiful addition to the world. I have highlighted and dog-eared a great deal because so much resonated with me and my way of thinking and behaving; it felt like the author was speaking directly to me and about my life. She was able to write about these big ideas in an open and accessible way. Her voice is one that I trusted immediately and she has this gift of relatability and authenticity that was such a breath of fresh air. I could feel the pressure I put on myself lifting with each chapter and lesson. This is a book to keep near and revisit frequently.”

Jennifer D., Librarian

“It has helped me open my mind to so many things I wish I had known 10 years ago.”

Cindy C., Physician and Colonel in the United States Army Reserves

“This book is a wonder. It is both deeply personal and broadly applicable. It shares profound wisdom in a voice that is easily accessible and intuitively trusted. Ali’s experiences are so relatable, and the learnings she has taken from them are now available to us all. The book offers one revelation after another. After I finished it, I immediately flipped back and began rereading it. I will keep this one close as I’m certain I’ll consult it often.”

— Carrie J., Lawyer

“I've known Ali for many years and am so impressed with her ability to dig deep into the psyche of success and break it down with practical tips and tools anyone can follow to discipline the mind, body and spirit for exponential growth. Ali gently intervenes with knowledge and wisdom that motivates you to achieve your goals and become successful, all on your own terms. A must read for anyone on the path to prosperity not only because it's written by Ali but because she's an important voice on the self-discovery scene.”

— Dana Richie, Award-winning documentary director, Backlot Productions 

”Wonderful, approachable read, well-suited to the sophisticated spiritual seeker and the skeptic alike. Ali takes you through her own process—both the pitfalls and insights—inviting the reader to feel non judgmental about their own blocks. I felt very at ease reading this book, it wasn’t a didactic piece of self-help, but was an open invitation to accept and forgive myself and relax my “shoulds!”

Elizabeth D., full time emotional regulator for family of 4

“Redefining Success is a great book! For those stuck on the 'success track' and wondering why they missed happiness along the way, this book clarifies a new path. With practical action steps and exercises, this book provides effective tools for self-exploration. It's a constant reminder to define success on your own terms.”

— Michael A., Creative Director & Architect

“I’m finding nuggets of wisdom that resonate in every chapter. Ali didn’t write this book knowing that it would be published during a pandemic, but this difficult period—when we are questioning so many things we thought we knew about society and ourselves—is just the right time to examine what is most meaningful in life, and how we define our own personal “why.”

Lori B., Financial Advisor

“This book is simply awesome. It could be so helpful to a great many people I know. I’ve found that I want to share it with almost everyone I speak to (so many of my friends seem to be in the same boat of stress and anxiety that come with over scheduling.)  It’s helping me and I am grateful.  Better than years of therapy! I know it’s a long road to change one’s mentality, but I am finally ready to do the work of letting go. The timing was perfect.  It must have been a sign from the universe. Thank you again.”

Karen H., Homeschooling Mother of 3

“While in my 20's, a co-worker shared her living principles and I was soon enthralled with her thinking. Redefining Success is capturing the essence of my early years with her friendship, her outlook. The writing is such an unexpected gift is the Spiritual arena. I am being transported back to a time when life was grand, I was mindful and felt the joy of living. Thank you, Ali, for leading me back to those precious days. I have wasted so many years by not being true to Spirit on a consistent basis. The rocks I have fallen over, the mountains never climbed will go into a basket labeled 'forgiving oneself' so that I may fully reconnect with Spirit! I am so grateful for your presence in my life and all the lives you save with your words.”

Barb C., Retired Speech-Language Pathologist

“Redefining Success is the kind of book Oprah would love. It has all kinds of deceivingly simple yet effective advice as to how to cultivate more clarity, humility, and grace, presented in ways that are both relatable and easy to grasp. The exercises at the end of the book provide effective tools for self-exploration and help turn the various life lessons into practical action steps. It's the kind of book you can spend hours with... coming back to again and again when you need a mental or emotional reset. 

Whether you're facing major personal challenges or just looking to increase the level of equanimity of your life, Alison Wolk Campbell's unique perspective on redefining success can serve as an inspiring guide for profound change.”

— Christi Opitz, Financial Consultant

“I love this book!  Redefining Success comes at the right time as so many of us grapple for “success” and feel stressed and depressed while getting there. Alison has helped me see that life can be smoother and more enjoyable by establishing my own terms of success.  

Alison’s loving and wise writing style, relatable personal story, and lessons and exercises have helped to shift my thinking on a deep level. I feel more connected with what I genuinely want and am letting go of the struggle for what I thought I wanted. Alison’s guidance is helping me to feel calm, courageous and consciously aware as I take the steps to create a joyful life that I love. I feel hopeful and happy! Thank you, Alison!

Redefining Success is a must-read for anyone who is ready to let go of struggle and create a life they love.”

— Meloney Hudson, Founder of Positive Energy Woman, author, teacher of energetic arts, and documentary producer.

About the Author

Ali Campbell is a writer, coach, wife, and mother of two. With 15 years of experience in the corporate world, plus her ongoing attempts to live up to the high expectations she sets for herself as a professional, a wife, and a mother, Ali understands what it’s like to feel overwhelmed and out of control, while also wanting more out of life.

Ali’s unique background, which includes an undergraduate degree from the University of Pennsylvania, an M.B.A. from UCLA Anderson, and a master’s degree in spiritual psychology from the University of Santa Monica, allows her to authentically connect with people who find themselves facing difficult career or life decisions, who are feeling lost or unhappy, and who just want to better align their life with their values and priorities.